Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gothic Motifs Of Dracula And The Dark And Eerie Setting

The three most important gothic motifs that occur within the novel Dracula are a supernatural antagonist, dark settings such as castles and cemeteries, and unreliable narrators. The supernatural antagonist is the most important park of Dracula, it is so important the antagonist’s name is the title of the novel. The dark and eerie setting occur very frequently throughout the novel and have a profound impact on how the science will be perceived by the reader. Finally the unreliable narrators are important because, it makes the readers feel important by letting them connect the dots before the main characters. The supernatural antagonist, Dracula, is vital part in how the reader reads the novel. Without Dracula nothing will occur it would be very dull and uneventful. The cause of Dracula becoming a vampire is unknown but it did occur hundreds if not thousands of years before the story took place. Dracula adds a different dimension to the novel, since he is the only antagonist throughout the novel he is the root of all problems that occur. Another element Dracula adds, is he very rarely in contact with more than one main character, thus leading to an unreliable narrator through most of the novel. In the beginning Dracula is looking to move from his castle in which he currently resides in because, the people of Transylvania know what he is and horrible things he has done. This Dracula’s motivation to move because, he feeds on living human by drinking their blood. He canShow MoreRelatedDracula Transformation Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pageswhich is a reconstruction of Dracula, a novel by Bram Stoker, and Nosferatu a film directed by F.W. Murnau. The use of intertexuality in Shadow of the Vampire is a key aspect which allows it to echo; themes, the gothic mode and issues that are present in the other two texts. Through a clear pastiche, Merhige produces a new text from the old. Immortality is a key theme which has been subverted from the physical sense through sucking blood, as it’s represented in Dracula, to the spiritual sense throughRead MoreAnalysis Of Poe s The Fall Of The House Of Usher 3197 Words   |  13 Pagesscholars credit Poe with being the creator of the modern horror story and the science fiction and detective fiction genres, as well as recognize him for being as one of the most famous American authors in history. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is a dark, gothic short story about a man who goes to an old childhood friend’s house to help him because he and his sister are not doing well. In the beginning, the narrator, who remains nameless throughout the story, arrives at the house of his childhood friend

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